Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Triumphant Return

Usually, when I go this long without posting, it's because I've not had time to work. However, this time it is because I have been working feverishly. I just ran a gauntlet of productivity, concentration, and creative presence that I haven't had since grad school. Below are some of the results. Yes, I finally finished those two installations. In addition, I worked up about 12 ideas for new installations, which I will be exploring as I perfect the piece that will be going up for my show in October. I also finished reading Societas Raffello Sanzio's book, Cormic McCarthy's "Blood Meridian," and am also almost done with "The Art of Learning" by Josh Waitskin. I'll post images of some of my ideas soon. For now, take a look at these:

The title of the above piece is "The most vast and impressive room in the Great Palace, Moscow" I have stereoscopic images of this one.

The title of the above piece is "Four Seasons Hotel, Gresham Palace." Stereoscope in production.

Some nice things happen when I begin to paint over the pieces.

Here is a little teaser of what I'm working on now. I probably wont post images of the installation that I'm working on for the show until it goes up on Oct. 18.

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