Monday, August 20, 2007


Hello, and welcome to my blog.

I actually created this blog months ago, and have been sitting on it since. I didn't know what to write. Maybe I was waiting for some great insight to hit me, then I could post it and be hailed a genius by friends and family. Or, maybe I'm just lazy. What ever the case, I've decided to make the leap, we'll see what actually comes of this, if I can manage to keep posting on a consistent basis.

I have decided that the primary (at least to start off) purpose of this blog will be to act as a "virtual studio" of sorts. I'll be posting images of finished and unfinished work. Little false starts and ideas that I'm working on in my studio along with commentary. I'll include thoughts about trying to work and I'm sure posts about my general life and other thoughts will sneak their way in here and there. I invite you all (if there's anybody out there) to comment and post feed back on the things I'm doing and thinking about. I'm actually pretty excited about what this blog might grow into. Mostly I'm hoping it will be a good way to sort out what I'm working on. I'm sure, like my art, it will change and grow much differently than I've conceptualized it in my head right now.

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