Friday, February 20, 2009

Chandelierroom 1

Here is a piece that I just did. It is based off of the below drawing. There are things I would do differently, or improvements that I would make if I remade the piece; but it works for me. It was a quick work. It took a few hours of time (spaced out across a couple of weeks, of course) and is now painted over. I am trying to do quicker works. Letting things happen and working more freely. Quick and loose. We'll see what comes out of it. I'll keep posting as I go through them. This is going to probably force me to get more simple with the lights, at least for now. I might have to take a break from this type of working in order to build some nicer stands, pedestals, or floor platforms for the lights though.
The brown on the wall should probably fade more as is gets closer to the floor.

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